Monday, November 11, 2013

Aboard the "Half Dozen" Sunday Nov. 10 2013....Rick's ashes ceremony. (1st set of photos..outside of Scotchmans's Cove/ ElMorro area)

A Shadow from someone on board gives a chilling presence of a diver. Also note the leis have formed the shape of a heart by itself.

the urn: Made by Steve, filled with rose pedals that Mom picked from her garden.

Nikki,Sarah,Nolan,Mike,Lauren,Kelly,Renee,Jack, Bob,Lyle,Pam,Joan,Doc,Steve,Moni,Donna

Leis turned into heart shapes by themselves suggesting all sorts of nice thoughts.

Doc and the traditional "missing man" photograph.


What comes from the earth has now returned...

If what you leave behind does defines you, then my brother has done well.

This is the 1st set of photos.
Please be patient as more photos are coming.
And or send me any you like and want up...

I did miss moments i wanted to get.
Thanks all.

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